MARCH 24, 2009
Chairman Russo opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance to our flag. Selectmen Joseph Story and Jennifer Wright and Town Administrator Chuck Kostro were present.
Richard and Jim Cunningham addressed the board regarding the “rock” at the 1st Settler’s Landing. Dick advised that the rock is leaning badly and they would like to investigate the site to see what would be needed to upright this landmark. They will report back to the Selectmen with their recommendations. It was moved by Selectman Story to give the Cunningham’s permission to explore the site and the rock as agents of the Town, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
Chairman Russo raised the issue of Dick’s offer of land to build a Senior Center. There appears to have been little or no action on the proposal even though several committees have looked at it. Dick noted that the offer is good for another 18 months and can be extended with a show of good faith. It was suggested by Dick that a meeting be scheduled to include the Selectmen, COA Board of Directors and staff, and Sr. Center Building Committee members to see if the proposal should be moved ahead or if we should just forget it. Kostro stated that he would bring it up at the next Capital Planning Committee meeting (3/31) and ask them for a recommendation as to how to proceed with the project.
The Buzzotta tax situation was briefly discussed. Selectman Story advised that Sen. Tarr and Rep. Stanley are jointly requesting that the Governor file an act of the Legislature for the Buzzottas as he did for the families in Danvers that lost their houses to an explosion. Failing that, an article will be placed on the ATM warrant to ask the legislature to forgive the taxes on the Buzzotta house.
Kathryn O’Brien of the Agricultural Commission advised that her commission had done a site walk of Great Meadow Farm and it was their unanimous recommendation that Colby be awarded the agricultural license to hay the site. Kathryn noted the Commission has been working with area’s boards of realtors regarding the new “Right to Farm Bylaw” and the RTF disclosure and she has had no negative feedback. Counsel will draft an ATM article to re-format the disclosure statement removing the 21 day stipulation. Chuck will investigate the possibility of establishing a small expense account for the Commission. Selectman Story moved to approve and sign the agricultural license for Colby as recommended by the Agricultural
Commission, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
Heidi Fram and Linda Allen were appointed as Managers of the Byfield Community Arts Center for three year terms on a motion by Selectman Wright, seconded by Selectman Story and voted unanimously.
Town Administrator Chuck Kostro reported on the proposed FY10 budget. He noted that some reductions in hours, salary lines and services will be necessary. He commented that Triton was expected to vote in a budget which would increase Newbury’s assessment by $137K. Chuck noted the budget process has been disheartening but there has been a good working relationship among the three towns. While there has been no movement from the teacher’s union, every employee in town has voted not to take a pay increase for FY10. A proposal for fee increases from the Town Clerk will be placed on the ATM warrant on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously. Proposed permit fee increases for
wiring, plumbing and gas permits effective July 1, 2009 were approved on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
Carol Larocque was nominated as Inspector of Animals from May 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010 on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
The Selectmen acknowledged the receipt of the Annual License fee for 2008 from Comcast in the amount of $1,225 and Selectman Wright gave a brief update on contract negotiations.
On a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously Cape Merrill was opened for shell fishing effective March 25, 2009 on the recommendation of the Fish Commissioners.
A Class IIII Junk License for Newbury Auto Sales was revisited and approved on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Chairman Russo. A brief discussion ensued and the motion was amended to approved the license contingent on the condemned building being removed, remaining building being brought up to code and the submittal of a site maintenance and clean up plan for the property within thirty days. The amendment was approved on a motion by Selectman Wright, seconded by Chairman Russo and voted. Selectman Story voted no.
A letter of notification from the Mass Lottery Commission regarding Keno to Go at Plum Crazy was reviewed and approved by the Board.
A letter of request from Plum Crazy for restaurant parking signs like at Mad Martha’s was discussed and four spots were approved on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously. Tim Leonard will be notified and will determine the placement of the signs.
The minutes of the March 10th meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
A letter from Boy Scout Troop #44 expressing their appreciation to Linda Allen and Heidi Fram for use of the Byfield Community Arts Center was read and filed. A copy will be sent to the Arts Center for their files.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois
Administrative Assistant
MARCH 26, 2009
Chairman Russo opened the meeting at 10:05 a.m. Selectmen Joseph Story and Jennifer Wright and Town Administrator Chuck Kostro were present.
The Colby/Great Meadow Farm agricultural license approved at the meeting of 3/24/09 was signed by the Board, on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
A one day liquor license for Fire Company #2 Memorial Hall for a function for Bade’s retirement party Saturday, March 28, 2009 from 3-9 p.m. was approved on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously. The fee was waived.
Chairman Russo noted he spoke with Tim Leonard regarding the parking signs for Plum Crazy and advised that the cost of the signs would be borne by the restaurant.
In accordance with Chapter 39, section 23B(2), it was moved by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously to enter into executive session to discuss a personnel issue. Roll call – Wright, yes; Story, yes and Russo, yes. It was announced that the meeting would not re-convene in open session at the end of the executive session.
The open session of the meeting was closed at 10:15 a.m. on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectmen Wright and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois
Administrative Assistant
MARCH 26, 2009
Executive session was opened at 10:15 a.m. Present were Selectmen Russo, Story and Wright; Town Administrator Chuck Kostro; Chief of the Board of Fire Engineers, William Pearson; Deputy Chief of Protection #2, Tim Wareham, Counsel Tony Penski and Eric Hanson. Mr. Hanson did not request the hearing be held in open session.
Russo advised Hanson that the purpose of this hearing was final determination of the recommendation of the Board of Fire Engineers of his case. Russo noted that most of the issues in the report pertained to the past year. However, he had personally spoken with Hanson prior to that time regarding several other issues. Wareham noted that when he came on board in January he told Eric the past was the past and they would move forward from that point, but Eric’s inability to deal with the public for permitting and inspections has been a problem. Public contact along with accurate reporting is a major part of the job and Eric is unable to perform these duties. As an aside, Wareham stated that Eric has done a great job procuring funds and grants for the company. Russo stated he was disappointed as his goal was resuscitation not termination. Story commented that Eric worked well as an EMT and had dealt positively with his aunt. Wright commented that after reviewing the book
of complaints she did not feel the Town was getting the integrity and honesty from him that was expected from their employees. Eric was given a chance to speak on the complaints against him. After a brief discussion Wright noted we are at a point where we have determined Eric in not capable of performing the duties of his job. Wright moved to endorse the recommendation of the Board of Fire Engineers and terminate Eric’s employment with the Town effective immediately, seconded by Selectman Story. Story noted that his personal experience with the Fire Co. has been positive and he felt badly about this decision. Russo also noted it was truly heart wrenching but he believed Eric needed help and has shown he cannot perform his duties. A vote was taken for dismissal – Wright, yes; Story, yes; Russo, yes. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m. on a motion by Wright, seconded
by Story and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.